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Newborn Client information


The best time to photograph your newborn is in the first 14 days of life while they are still in that sleepy and curly stage.  After that they tend to be disturbed while sleeping.  


Prepping for your newborn session: I ask that you nurse or feed your baby 30 minutes prior to your session.  A full baby= sleepy baby.  If at all possible try to keep your newborn stimulated a couple of hours prior to our session so he/she will be ready to fall asleep during our session.


The best way to photograph your newborn is in their birthday suit.  Clothes tend to be bulky and awkward.  Please dress your baby in loose clothing the day of the shoot so that when they arrive they don’t have creases on their skin.


Props:  I supply a majority of the props but, I welcome any props you may have.  I am always open to new ideas as well.


Siblings/family: I welcome and highly encourage sibling/family shots during the newborn session however, I prefer to take them at the beginning of the session that way they don’t get bored/cranky waiting.


Pacifiers:  a pacifier is a great way to soothe your baby during the session so feel free to bring one if your baby takes one.


Time: be prepared to spend between 3-4 hours (sometimes longer) at my home studio. We are on your baby’s time and will take breaks to feed and change him/her.  I will do my best to photograph as quickly and efficiently as possible keeping your baby’s safety priority.

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